N5 Kanji N5 Kanji – people N5 Kanji list - people - Check the meanings and readings of each kanji. 人 people | 子 child | 男 man | 女 woman | 父 father | 母 mother | 先生 teacher | 友 friend | 名 name 2023.03.28 N5 Kanji
N5 Kanji N5 Kanji Numbers JLPT N5 Kanji list - numbers - Check the meanings and readings of each kanji. 一 one | 二 two | 三 three | 四 four | 五 five | 六 six | 七 seven | 八 eight | 九 nine | 十 ten | 百 100 | 千 1,000 | 万 10,000 | 円 yen 2023.03.28 N5 Kanji
N5 Kanji N5 Kanji – Days of Week N5 Kanji list - verbs #1 Check the meanings and readings of each kanji. 日 Sunday | 月 Monday | 火 Tuesday | 水 Wednesday | 木 Thursday | 金 Friday | 土 Saturday | 週 week 2023.03.28 N5 Kanji
N5 Kanji N5 Kanji – Time N5 Kanji list - verbs #1 Check the meanings and readings of each kanji. 時間 time, hour | 今 now | 分 minute | 半 half | 毎 every | 年 year | 午 noon 2023.03.28 N5 Kanji
Information About Courses コースについて Our courses are - general Japanese (beginner, imtermidiate, advanced), JLPT preparation, (N5, N4, N3, N2, N1), Job Interview preparation, kanji class. Please see more details below. 2023.03.21 Information
Information What is Second Language Aquisition (SLA)? Learning Japanese is a challenging yet rewarding experience. Understanding the process of Second Language Acquisition (SLA) can help you develop effective strategies and techniques to achieve your goal. It is important to remember that everyone learns at their own pace, and there is no one-size-fits-all approach to SLA. However, understanding the stages and theories of SLA and using effective strategies can accelerate your language learning process to achieve your goal. 2023.03.19 Information
Kanji List JLPT N5 Kanji list – Basic 100 Kanji Check your Kanji knowledge with our N5 KANJI LIST. Tips for learning Kanji: Don't try to memorize all the kanji readings because Kanji is for the meaning. Try to memorize kanji parts and the meaning. Then you can guess the meaning from the kanji shape and from the context. 2023.03.18 Kanji ListN5 Kanji