

Japanese particle NI(に)- How to Use 助詞「に」の使い方

Particle NI is one of the most difficult particle to use since it has many functions. Let's clear up the doubt and be a conficent user of the particle! 助詞の「に」は 意味がたくさんあって、むずかしいですね。「に」の意味をはっきり覚えて、自信をもって使えるようになりましょう!
N4 Grammar

コーヒーをのみます VS コーヒーはのみます

What is the difference between 「コーヒーをのみます」& 「コーヒーはのみます」? Learn the usage of ”emphasis" 「は」.
N4 Grammar

Japanese Verb Conjugation at a glance

Here's the summary of Japanese verb conjugation rules. In Japanese, verbs are categorized into three groups: "U-verb" (Group I), "Ru-verb" (Group II), and irregular verbs "する" and "くる". The conjugation of verbs varies depending on which group they belong to. Let's explore these verb groups and their conjugation patterns.
N4 Grammar

Know the Usage そうです

What's the difference between おいしそうです and おいしいそうです? おいしそうです is to say "it looks delicious" and おいしいそうです is to say "I've heard it's delicious." Click to see the conjugation and examples