
N4 Kanji

N4 Kanji:others

JLPT N4 Kanji list - others- Check the meanings and readings of each kanji. 回 times | 仕 serve | 事 matter | 心 heart/mind | 真 reality/trueth | 注 caution | 服 clothes | 物 thing | 別 separate | 方 way/person | 薬 medicine | 用 task | 力 power | 産 made in | 品 products | 民 people | 同 same | 以 compared with

N4 Kanji for Verbs

JLPT N4 Kanji list - verbs- Check the meanings and readings of each kanji. 開 open | 起 get up | 急 hurry | 教 teach | 習 learn | 作 make | 止 stop | 死 die | 終 finish | 始 start | 使 use | 切 cut | 借 borrow | 貸 lend | 思 think/feel | 考 think (logically) | 住 live | 乗 get on | 進 proceed | 着 arrive | 洗 wash | 走 run | 歩 walk | 送 send | 集 gether | 知 know | 待 wait | 持 hold/have | 通 commute | 転 roll | 動 move | 働 work | 売 sell | 引 pull | 運 carry | 合 match
N4 Kanji

N4 Kanji for Adjectives

JLPT N4 Kanji list - adjectives- Check the meanings and readings of each kanji. 正 correct | 悪 bad | 強 strong | 弱 weak | 明 bright | 暗 dark | 軽 light weight | 重 heavy | 暑 hot | 寒 cold | 近 near | 遠 far | 広 spacious | 早 early | 太 thick | 短 short | 低 low | 元 origin | 好 like | 便 convenient | 不 non- | 有 exist | 特 special
N4 Kanji

N4 Kanji for people

JLPT N4 Kanji list - people - Check the meanings and readings of each kanji. 私 I | 自 self | 家 house | 族 kinship | 親 parent | 兄 older brother | 姉 older sister | 弟 younger brother | 妹 youger sister | 主 main/master | 医 medical | 者 person | 員 member
N4 Kanji

N4 Kanji for nature

JLPT N4 Kanji list - nature - Check the meanings and readings of each kanji. 風 wind | 鳥 bird | 犬 dog | 光 light
N4 Kanji

N4 Kanji for hobbies

JLPT N4 Kanji list - hobbies - Check the meanings and readings of each kanji. 映 refrection | 画 image | 館 hall | 歌 song | 音 sound | 旅 travel
N4 Vocab

N4 Kanji – color

JLPT N4 Kanji list - color - Check the meanings and readings of each kanji. 色 color | 黒 black | 青 blue | 赤 red | 茶 brown
N4 Kanji

N4 Kanji – Body Parts

JLPT N4 Kanji list - body parts - Check the meanings and readings of each kanji. 体 body | 顔 face | 頭 head | 声 voice | 首 neck
Kanji List

JLPT N4 Kanji list

ALL N4 Kanji - 181 kanji to pass JLPT N4. Check if you have memorized all the N4 kanji in each category. Kanji for school, hobby, food and drinks, etc.
Kanji List

JLPT N5 Kanji list – Basic 100 Kanji

Check your Kanji knowledge with our N5 KANJI LIST. Tips for learning Kanji: Don't try to memorize all the kanji readings because Kanji is for the meaning. Try to memorize kanji parts and the meaning. Then you can guess the meaning from the kanji shape and from the context.