N4 Kanji

N4 Kanji

N4 Kanji:others

JLPT N4 Kanji list - others- Check the meanings and readings of each kanji. 回 times | 仕 serve | 事 matter | 心 heart/mind | 真 reality/trueth | 注 caution | 服 clothes | 物 thing | 別 separate | 方 way/person | 薬 medicine | 用 task | 力 power | 産 made in | 品 products | 民 people | 同 same | 以 compared with

N4 Kanji for Verbs

JLPT N4 Kanji list - verbs- Check the meanings and readings of each kanji. 開 open | 起 get up | 急 hurry | 教 teach | 習 learn | 作 make | 止 stop | 死 die | 終 finish | 始 start | 使 use | 切 cut | 借 borrow | 貸 lend | 思 think/feel | 考 think (logically) | 住 live | 乗 get on | 進 proceed | 着 arrive | 洗 wash | 走 run | 歩 walk | 送 send | 集 gether | 知 know | 待 wait | 持 hold/have | 通 commute | 転 roll | 動 move | 働 work | 売 sell | 引 pull | 運 carry | 合 match
N4 Kanji

N4 Kanji for Adjectives

JLPT N4 Kanji list - adjectives- Check the meanings and readings of each kanji. 正 correct | 悪 bad | 強 strong | 弱 weak | 明 bright | 暗 dark | 軽 light weight | 重 heavy | 暑 hot | 寒 cold | 近 near | 遠 far | 広 spacious | 早 early | 太 thick | 短 short | 低 low | 元 origin | 好 like | 便 convenient | 不 non- | 有 exist | 特 special
N4 Kanji

N4 Kanji for Time

LPT N4 Kanji list - time - Check the meanings and readings of each kanji. 春 spring | 夏 summer | 秋 autumn | 冬 winter | 朝 morning | 昼 daytime | 夕 evening | 夜 night | 去 past/last | 度 every | 曜 week
N4 Kanji

N4 Kanji for School

LPT N4 Kanji list - school - Check the meanings and readings of each kanji. 英 English | 漢 Kanji | 字 letter | 研 research | 究 research | 業 business | 計 calculation | 試 try/exam | 験 experiment | 工 engineering | 説 explanation | 問 question | 題 theme/title | 答 answer | 発 departure/presentation | 文 sentences | 勉 study | 図 chart | 意 opinion | 紙 paper | 代 fee
N4 Kanji

N4 Kanji for Places

JLPT N4 Kanji list - places - Check the meanings and readings of each kanji. 北 north | 南 south | 東 east | 西 west | 京 capital | 都 capital | 県 prefecture | 市 city | 区 ward | 町 town | 村 village | 世 world / society | 界 world | 場 place | 所 place | 地 ground | 建 to build | 海 sea | 池 pond | 森 woods | 林 forest | 洋 ocean/western | 田 rice field | 堂 hall | 門 gate | 室 room | 銀 silver | 屋 roof | 台 table | 病 sickness | 院 institute
N4 Kanji

N4 Kanji for people

JLPT N4 Kanji list - people - Check the meanings and readings of each kanji. 私 I | 自 self | 家 house | 族 kinship | 親 parent | 兄 older brother | 姉 older sister | 弟 younger brother | 妹 youger sister | 主 main/master | 医 medical | 者 person | 員 member
N4 Kanji

N4 Kanji for nature

JLPT N4 Kanji list - nature - Check the meanings and readings of each kanji. 風 wind | 鳥 bird | 犬 dog | 光 light
N4 Kanji

N4 Kanji for hobbies

JLPT N4 Kanji list - hobbies - Check the meanings and readings of each kanji. 映 refrection | 画 image | 館 hall | 歌 song | 音 sound | 旅 travel
N4 Kanji

N4 Kanji for food & drinks

JLPT N4 Kanji list - food & drinks - Check the meanings and readings of each kanji. 牛 cow | 野 wild/filed | 菜 vegetable | 飯 rice | 味 taste | 料 materials | 理 science/logic